If you have trouble attracting men and getting a date, you may be unknowingly sending vibes that push men away. Men think differently than women, so you have to understand how the male psyche works in order to get his attention. Know what to do to grab his attention.
Play hard to get. The worst thing you can do is to smother a guy or appear desperate. Men are attracted to the thrill of the chase, so if you're chasing after him, you're taking away the challenge. Keep it low-key and keep him on the edge of his seat. Maintain your composure. Your outward indifference may make him want you more.
Be mysterious. A huge part of attracting men is letting them figure you out. Don't talk his ear off about every detail of your life or your feelings. Carefully think about what you say and don't fill the conversation with idle gabbing. Also, don't make yourself available all the time. Allow him to wonder where you are and what you're doing.